Kosovo war and RM

The Kosovo war and the Republic of Macedonia – the war between fry and NATO. Begins at 24. ⅲ 1999, after the failure of the negotiations in the Ramboue Palace (of OK. 50 km from Paris), i.e. After 23. ⅲ 1999 The Serbian congregation rejects NATO ultimatum. Ends at 10. ⅵ 1999 By concluding (in Kumanovo) a military-technical agreement for the withdrawal of the Yugoslav forces from Kosovo. During the duration of the war, NATO bombards military and civilian objectives on the territory of FRY, and the UCK forces fighting with the members of the Yugoslav Army and the Serbian KFOR’s Serbian KFOR forces of you paramilitarian units. Formal-legally, the war ends without territorial change. According to Resolution 1244 of the UN Security Council, Kosovo remains in the composition of the FRY, but the factual province is politically and economically separated from fry and it is deployed Civil and Security Presence (UN Mission for Temporary Administration of Kosovo – UNMIK). At 2. ⅻ 1998 The Government of the Republic of Macedonia adopts a consent for the establishment of NATO forces on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia for drawing the Verification Mission of the OSCE in Kosovo. The forces are activated at 10. ⅻ 1998, and the legal basis of their status is the basic agreement on NATO missions’ operations in the Republic of Macedonia (24. 1998). At 4 ⅳ 1999 The Republic of Macedonia gives consent to building camps for care of 100,000 refugees from Kosovo and opens the boundaries for the transfers crossing the camps near Skopje. At the time of the war, RM receives 350,000 refugees from Kosovo. Almost simultaneously with the entry of KFOR in Kosovo (12. 1999), a background base – headquarters in Skopje is established. The status of KFOR on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia is regulated by the agreement of 18. ⅴ 2001. As a reward for the overall role of the Republic of Macedonia at the time of the Kosovo war, conclusions of the EU Council of Ministers of 26. ⅳ 1999 were followed. With which “the European Commission’s intention is welcomed to recognize the possibility, in the light of the regional approach and the contribution of the EU for the future stability pact, for upgrading the contractual relations,” in the beginning of the start of negotiations on the Stabilization and Association Agreement . US President Bill Clinton among the members of KFOR (22. 1999).: Basic agreement for NATO operations missions in the Republic of Macedonia, “Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia” No. 60/98; HPP.MFA.Gov.mk; Report FROM TEH TEEMISION UN TEM FEABILITS OF NEOTIATING A STEPILIZATION AND ASSOCOTOITION AGMITEMENT NEITH THOHER ZUGOSLAV REPLIC OF THE MACEDONIA, COM (1999) 300 Final, Brusels, 16. 6.1999. Lit: Svetomir Scarz, Lanj, Force and Peace: Macedonia and Kosovo, Skopje, 2002. T. Petr.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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