Konstantinovich Gavril Constantinovich .- (the true full name: Gavril / Gavro Kostadinov Tasev) (Smrdesh, Kostur, the Aegean part of Macedonia in RGR, 4. ⅳ 1878 – on the train to Murmansk, Russia, 1. IX 1918) – Macedonian national Dian, One of the founders and vice president of MND in S.-Petersburg, a military doctor. After schooling in Greek and Bulgarian schools, from July 1, 1897, with a scholarship from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Serbia, enrolled in ⅵ class of ⅱ Belgrade gymnasium. In November 1898 Pray to be enrolled as a cadet at the Military Academy, but after the information from the Serbian Consulate in Bitola, the application was rejected. In 1900 It completes the Belgrade classical high school “Vuk Kara-Jic” and enrolled as a full-time student at the Faculty of Philosophy (Department for Natural Sciences) in Belgrade. On October 8, he again begs the Foreign Minister for a scholarship, emphasizing that “without means and freedom there is no education.” He gets a scholarship as a cadet, but “educate a Russian university and prepare for a doctor.” Upon completion of the first year at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade, 15. ⅶ 1901. Submit a plea and from 1 IX enrolled in ⅰ year at the Military Medical Academy in S.-Petersburg. On 28. ⅴ 1902 It notifies the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Belgrade not to send already Serbian scholarship, because it expects Russian. On 11. ⅲ 1903 Serbian ambassador to S.-Petersburg St. Novakovic informs his ministry that Mr. K. After August last year “never already appears to prayer.” Intermediate, it brings together with K. Misirkov, D. Chupovski, st. Dedov, D. Mishajkov and other Macedonian students and immigrants, on 28. X 1902. He is among the signatories-founders of MNDD, and at the second session (29. 1902) he was elected vice president and participated in all activities of comradeship. After the lectures of Misirkov and the appearance of the book “For the Macedonian Works”, in December 1903, it is in a major material crisis and agrees to receive Serbian annual assistance. But Student Wavings of the University and the Military Academy, the Russian-Japanese war begins (1904-1905) and Mr. K. It is sent as an assistant doctor in IX Moscow Flying Squad of the Japanese Front. In 1907, with great success, he finishes the Military Medical Academy, but legally does not have “right of service and medical practice within the borders of the Russian Empire”, because there is no “Russian Matur Control”, and is left for a clinic clinic. There is an activity in the Slopophilical circles and elected is a regular member of the SPBSBD and the Red Cross (1908), holding a public lecture against the Austro-Hungarian annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and signs the Memorandum that Russian universities and societies direct “to the whole world” . Loving conditions to serve us in Russia in the homeland, becomes a doctor in Turkistan (1908-1910) and works in the suppression of plague in Manchuria. It returns to S.-Petersburg as an ordinator in the private surgical clinic of prof. Fyodorov (1910/11), and then a “clinic clinic at the Department of Special Pathology and Therapy of Internal Diseases”. Recognizing the danger of the Balkan War and from the division of Macedonia, along with D. Chupovski and N. Dimov, start a procedure for registration of the newly established Slavic Macedonian National-Education Company “St. Cyril and Metodija “(27. ⅵ 1912). The competent Russian authorities reject the registration and the first Balkan war begins. Wishing to find the place of events, K. Misirkov walked into Thessaloniki, N. Dimov in Sofia, D. Chupovski in Veles, and at 5. H 1912. D. K. He submits an application to the SPBSBD “for a doctor in the sender sent to Serbia-Montenegro,” emphasizing that “as a man of Macedonia, I rule the Greek, Turkish, Bulgarian, Serbian and Slav-Macedonian language.” It becomes a manager of the Russian military hospital in Cetinje (23. x 1912). He was decorated for the work, but disappointed with the results of the war for Macedonia, on 27. ⅰ 1913. He leaves Montenegro and returns to Petersburg (7. ⅱ 1913). As one of the three most prominent members of the Macedonian colony in S.-Petersburg, at 1. ⅲ 1913. It is signed by the first Memorandum of Plenipotentiary Macedonians to the London Conference. A Macedonian delegation is cooked to travel to Paris and London. On June 7, he also signed the second memorandum to governments and to the public of the Federal Balkan States. Participate in various assemblies and tribunes and in the preparation and issuance of the SP. “Makedonskiy Golos” (Macedonian voice) “. Gives a statement for Macedonia in c. “Petrogradska Gazeta” (4 ⅶ 1913). In 1914, under the pseudonym Vrhezinovski, publishes the small booklet “Slavianophiles and newly developers” against Slavophiles in the “Slavyansky Execution” and the Smilophiles in “new time”, and for the Macedonian state in the Balkan-Spederation. He leaves in Prague and works as “the surgical clinic clinic of Professor Kukuli and the Gynecology Clinic of Professor Pahta”. After the start of the First World War, it returns to Petrograd, but soon it is mobilized and sent to the front in Prussia, as a “senior practitioner at the Ivin Hospital”. After the deviation of the Russian armies, it returns to the Russian capital. At the request of Allied Serbia, he sent in Nis as an agreed “military doctor in the Ukrainian Regiment of the Schedudine Division”. He is wounded in the battles with the Bulgarian army at Leskovac, but continues to perform his duty. He survives the transfer of the Serbian army via Albania to the island of Corfu, where the Supreme Command of the Serbian Army approves “Absence for Treatment” (23. ⅱ – 1. ⅴ 1916), available to Serbian Legging in Petrograd. Holds lectures for the Wars in the Balkans and publishes articles in the press. Since August 1916 It is set for a contracted trapped physician on ⅰ Serbian volunteer division and, as Sanitary captain of ⅰ class, through Odessa continues the struggles in Dobrudja, but comes in conflict with Serbian officers and is closed. Dissatious, throws Serbian uniform and as a Russian data dresses Russian and 15. ⅱ 1917. resign. Immediately sent to Elisightgrad as a manager of ⅰ Serbian ambulance to treat Serbian refugees and volunteers. He becomes ill and returns to Petrograd, where he is involved in the Macedonian Revolutionary Committee of D. Chupovski for the Balkan-Spical Federal Democratic Republic. At 10. ⅶ 1917 The “open letter from a South Slavic revolutionary to the traitors of Russia and the Slovenine” and publishes it in Petrograd newspaper, for which the newspaper is forbidden and the text is scattered in a handwriting with the signature “Russian citizen Dr. Konstantinovich, Macedonian revolutionary”. Since the beginning of August 1917 leaves to gr. CEM as an epidemiologist at the Directorate for Construction of the Murvan Railway. After the October Revolution, it is determined for the Bolsheviks and in May 1918. It becomes a member of the Executive Committee of the Council of Workers and Removes in the city of Kem and Commissioner for People’s Health. He gives all the money and obtained the ore “in favor of the revolution”. As a doctor, commissioner and social staff participates in the work of the revolutionary tribunal and the Workers’ Council of Workers and Popetas, often speak and submit the abstracts. In such a speech declares as “Southern Slavic and Macedonian Revolutionary” and performs on behalf of “Macedonian Revolutionaries”. A “dialogue” entitled “Revolutionary and Tiran”. But in early July 1918 The interventionists of the Antanta occupy the cash, they catch Mr. K. And they give it to investigate in ⅰ Serbian volunteer division. It is about the “arbitrary abandonment of the Serbian army” and “illegally rejection of Serbian Cockada and epolets” as a deserter, a traitor, a spy, an opponent of Serbia and its allies, Bolshevik and a Soviet official who maintained links with dissidents in Elisattgrad and He was not recognized as a Serb, but as “Macedonian Sloven.” After a long examination, legal evidence was not found for trial and was sent to the English interventional center in Murmansk, but soon returned to the additional battalion of the SCS and, after the new trials, was killed on the train for Murmansk and knocked out of the wagon. BIB. Vrajnovski, Slavoanophof and newly working Macedonian, Petrograd, “1914; D. C ……. ski, sipýmo “Kostura,” Macedonian Golos “(Macedonian voice),” ⅱ 9, Petrograd, “2 ⅲ 1914, 13-15; Horror Geroichi serbs. Story “D-RA Constantinica,” Birgs V
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис КОНСТАНТИНОВИЧ Гаврил Константинович