Kavaeva-Egreer, Elena Juisph

Kavaeva-Enderer, Elena Juisph (Cennestoh, Poland, 1893 – Ohrid, 1982) – doctor, specialist for children’s diseases, participant in the October Revolution and NOB, organizer of the sanitary service in Ohrid. She graduated in Berlin, after which she left work in Petrograd (1914). Specialized Pediatrics in Berlin (1920). After coming to Macedonia (1923) he collaborated with the members of the CPY. During the NOB in her home, illegal meetings of members of the CPY / KPM were held, and in the private practice treated Kavaeva-Ethlinger La Sick and early fighters. It is a Soviet Order for Military Merit (1968). Litt.: B. N.: Elena and Vladimir Kavhuhe, “Nova Makedonija”, Jjwi, 9267, Skopje, 7. Xi 1972, 6; Zivko Dimoski, all youth for October, “enlightened woman,” Skopje, December 1977, 9; R. T., the little rebel – a great friend of Lenin. Elena Kavaeva’s memories for the October Revolution, “Nova Makedonija”, Skopje, 31. ⅲ 1979, 7; Dr. Gjorgje Miljkovic, Macedonians under the banner of the Grand October, “Communist”, C, Skopje, 6. XI 1987, 23. S. Ml.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис КАВАЕВА-ЕТИНГЕР, Елена Јузеф

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