Katlanovo Skopje. The coal deposit, about 25 km southeast of Skopje, in the immediate vicinity of the village. Katlanovo. From a geological point of view, on the Paleelelee of the site, transgressively and discordially lies the paleogenic sedimentary complex. The Pliocene complex, which lies transitionively on Paleogen, indicates its development through two superposition fabules: Lower, the clay-lapple-productive, and the Upper Jacale Square Fusion. According to qualitative parameters, it can be concluded that it is a coal of lignite type. The total geological reserves of coal, calculated for the upper productive horizon in the site amounted to about 18.5 x 106 tonnes. Litt.: B. Andreevski, coal: genetic and qualitative characteristics, coal and environmental protection sites, RGF, Stip, 1995; P. Lazarov, and T. Serafimovski, sites and phenomena of energy raw materials in the Republic of Macedonia, special edition no. 6, RGF, Stip, 1997. T. Sir.
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