Kardov, Vladimir (village Smokvica, Gevgelija, 1935 – Skopje, 23. ⅳ 1989) – University professor, lawyer. Primary education ended in the birthplace, and the Teacher School in Skopje (1953). In the same city he graduated from the Higher Pedagogical School (1956), then at the Faculty of Philosophy, Group History (1960), as well as at the Faculty of Law (1964). Masters Degree in Belgrade in Belgrade (1971), while Philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje (1974), on the topic “Cultural-educational policy of the ruling regimes in Yugoslavia for the Macedonian people in the period between the two world wars”. Elected Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law in Skopje (1975) for the subject history of the state and the right of the peoples of Yugoslavia, and then for extraordinary (1980) and for a full professor (1985). He was a delegate in the Assembly of the Assembly of the Assembly of the SRM (1978-1982). He published a number of papers in the area of the state-legal and political history of Macedonia and Yugoslavia. BIB.: The fight of the CPY to resolve the national question in Yugoslavia 1919-1945, Skopje, 1979; Georgi Dimitrov and the struggle of the Macedonian people for exercising the right to self-determination, Skopje, 1979. Lit: Proceedings in honor of Nikola Sotirovski and Vladimir Karitov, Faculty of Law, Skopje, 2001. St. w. Dimitra Karchick
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис КАРТОВ, Владимир