Karchika, Dimitra Lambrova (village Vosite, Kostur, Greece, 2. ⅷ 1939) – mathematician, order. Prof. (1984) on PMF. He graduated (1961) of the PMF, a Master’s degree (1969) in Belgrade and Phmo (1973) of the PMF with the topic “Some problems of square programming with matrices from Leontiev type”. He published scientific papers in the field of mathematical programming, university textbooks, scripts for their lectures on postgraduate studies, professional papers for the needs of mathematical schools and the permanent education of teachers. She was demonstrated at the Faculty of Mathematics (19801982), on the PMF (1991-1993) and head of the Institute of Informatics (1985-1989 and 1995-1997). BIB.: Finally, dimensional vector spaces, Skopje, 1985; Theory and methods of linear programming, Skopje, 1987. N. C.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис КАРЧИЦКА, Димитра Ламброва

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