Karagozov, Pance Aleksandrov

Karagozov, Pance Aleksandrov (Stip, 18. ⅲ 1903 – Skopje, 28. ⅰ 1971) – Surgeon, Regular Prof. of honey. f. in Skopje. He finished honey. f. In Vienna (22. ⅶ 1929), and habilitated a theme for breast tumors. He was specialized in Erlangen (Germany) and in Belgrade. He perfected in several Yugoslav and European clinics. Creator of contemporary digestive surgery in the Republic of Macedonia, with a particular province in the stomach surgery (introduct vagotomy). One of the founders of honey. f. In Skopje – a surgical clinic, the Macedonian surgical school and the traumatological center. He was director of the surgical clinic (1965-1967). Together with prof. B. Dragojevic and Dr. A. Georgiev first in the Balkans applied Celalosporin (1964). He published more than 50 scientific and professional papers. Al. The Right. – Fig. M. P. Karadjordjevic, Alexander and

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис КАРАЃОЗОВ, Панче Александров

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