Karadzic, Vuk Stefanovic (Mrsic, 1787 – Vienna, 1864) – Serbian philologist, ethnologist, folklorist, historiograph, lexicographer, translator and creator of the modern mountain Karadzica Vuk Karadzic Serbian literary language and spelling. The most famous collector and publisher of the Serbian orally folk art. The first collection is “a small Small Small-Serbian Seashelda” (1814). Without a clear representation of the Balkan peoples and languages, he records folk artworks and migrant workers, and in “People’s Serbian Seasheld” (Charen second, U Vienna, 1815), the first Macedonian folk song (“not early early for water, DOS Beliko “), But called” Song Bulgarian “. Macedonian linguistic and folklore material also publishes in “addict to Saint Saint-PERTERBURGSHIVIC RIGNEMENT PRIEU JEEICA AND NARURE, PTABITIM SECONDOM Bulgarian Jesica”, which exits “Novine Srpska” (1821 and 1822), issued as a separate booklet (Vienna, 1822), A integral-but reprinted in spombial grammatical and polemic writings Vuka St. Karadzian (Belgrade, 1894). Lit.: Haralagapija Polenakovic, Vuk Stefanovic Karadzic and the Macedonian folk song, in Cn .: Studies from the Macedonian folklore, Skopje, 1973, 71-81; Blaze Ristovski, the new five books “Srpske National Poysme, Neistanich Rukopissa Vuka Stefaniaa Karadia,” Macedonian folklore and national consciousness. Research and records, and, Skopje, 1987, 336-344; Marko Kitevski, articles for Macedonian folklore, Skopje, 1989, 177-198. B. R.-J.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис КАРАЏИќ, Вук Стефановиќ