Kalajdjievski, Krume Panceev

Kalajdjievski, Krume Panceev (Skopje, 28. 1934) – Full Professor (1994) of the PMF, Institute of Chemistry. He graduated (1957), Master’s Degree (1978) and PhD (1983) of PMF in Skopje. It performed instruction (for PMF students and the Faculty of Pharmacy) in the subjects analytical chemistry, instrumental chemistry and modern electroanial methods. The scientific work is focused on electro-materials, and specialty is the preparation of ionoselective electrodes and examinations with them. He published twenty scientific papers, and at scientific gatherings presented thirty announcements. He was Head of the Institute of Analytical Chemistry at the Institute of Chemistry of PMF. He was retired since 1998. Lit.: Natural and Mathematics Faculty – Skopje, 1946-1996, Skopje, 1996, 217; 60 years of natural and mathematical faculty – Skopje, Skopje, 2006, 238. B. w. Lazar Kalaididi-good

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис КАЛАЈЏИЕВСКИ, Круме Панчев

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