Juzbasic, Dimitrie Milanov

Juzbasic, Dimitrie Milanov (Daragar, Croatia, 30. IX 1909 – Saarbrücken, Germany, 1974) – Surgeon, Regular Prof. of honey. f. In Skopje, one of the first 19 selected teachers in the formation of honey. f. in Skopje (1947). He performed a successful transformation of the surgical department in a contemporary surgical clinic. He was a full professor, head of the Department of Surgical Diseases and Director of the Surgical Clinic at MES. f. In Skopje, and in one mandate and dean of the faculty. In 1953 He went to Zagreb, where he worked until his retirement (1973), and then went to work in Sarbrücken (Germany). No. N.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЈУЗБАШИќ, Димитрие Миланов

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