Jovanovski, Aco.

Jovanovski, Aco (Aleksandar) (Skopje, 31. ⅻ 1930) – Actor. He finished the State Central Theater School in Skopje (1952). Works in the MNT drama (19511964), when it passes to the Drama Theater. One of the most clear names of the Macedonian dramatic creativity. Some of its achievements are dates in the history of the Macedonian theater in general. An actor with a broad amplitude of creative opportunities that allowed him to play in Roly of a variety of character. Cost.: FEZLIEV (“Darkness”), Claudius (“I, Claudius”), Emanuel Shandebiz and Port (“Flea in Ear”), Popive (“Duno Ma-Roe”), Pantabaz (in the eponymous work), the father ( “Forces in the air”), etc. Film role.: “Black seed”, “The longest road”, “Node” and “Hay-Fay”. R. ST.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЈОВАНОВСКИ, Ацо

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