Jankula Duke (Ban) – The hero in the epic folk poetry is the historical figure Jan Hujadi (Erkelje, 1387 – Zemun, 1456). He pointed out in the fighting against the Turks, after which the people remember him and it was, although the songs for him contain very few historical facts. For its merits in the fighting (1438-1439) it becomes Severish Ban, and it is also celebrated in the fight against Turks in Hungary, Serbia and Bulgaria (1441-1443). It becomes Erdelian Duke (1442), and later elected a manager of the Kingdom of Hungary to rule in the name of King Ladislav Postume. Lit.: The heroical folk songs, election and editorial office of Dr. Kiril Penakliski, Skopje, 1968; Haralagepy Polenakovic, for Macedonian folk literature, in CN .: Studies from Macedonian folklore, ⅱ, Skopje, 1988, 66-67. B. R.-J.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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