IIGI, Gennady (Gennady Aii) (Zeymurzin, RF, 31.ⅷ 1934) – poet, essayist and translator, by nationality, is kept; Since 1960 It is determined to write in Russian Yagenady Iyi Zig (until then writes on his homearm. His books are published in several European countries. In 1993 is the winner of the Golden Wreath of the SVP. BIB.: In the guy language he published seven books: music for a whole life, 1962; From the name of the fathers, 1958; Step, 1964; Illumination, 1971; Node, 1975; Songs, 1980; Testament, 1988; Fields Twins, 1987; Three poems for Malevich, 1989 and now constantly snow. Lit.: John Pavlovski, the song as part of the world, “poetry,” Struga, 1993. P. Gil. Ljubomir Ajdinski
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АЈГИ, Генадиј