Ivanovski, Mendia (Mendola) (Bitola, 14. 1929 – Skopje, 1. ⅰ 1995) – Painter and scenographer. He completed the Hearing School and the Pedagogical Academy in Skopje and studied at the Area Academy in Zagreb. Worked as a teacher in his hometown. He was a member of DLUM (1952) and his president (1988-1989), a member of Dlipum, one of the founders of the group “Victist” (1955) and the Art Gallery in Bitola. He dealt with theater, television and film scenery (from 1967). He had studied stays in Bratislava, Paris, Prague, Rome and New York. He realized two dozen independent art exhibitions (Bitola, Skopje, Zagreb and New York) and participated in many group exhibitions. In his work, they found a reflection of the tradition, folklore, early Christian and Byzantine architecture and art. Lit.: Boris Petkovski, modern Macedonian painting, Skopje, 1981, 43 and 77; Z. L., Metodija Ivanovski-Mende, In memory, “Vecer”, Jujia, 9760, Skopje, 5. ⅰ 1995, 11. S. Ml. Ivanovski, Miche Eftimov
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ИВАНОВСКИ, Методија