Ivanovski, George (Skopje, 29. ⅵ 1945) – Physicist, Order. Prof. (1987) on PMF. Graduated (1969) at the Faculty of Physics in Kharkov, Ukraine, and defended candidate dissertation at the Moscow State University in the field of electroacous phenomena in metals (1973). PhD (1976) of the PMF in Skopje with a thesis for electron-phononal interaction in normal metals. The PMF works since 1969. In addition to the basic subject quantum mechanics, he maintained teaching and other cases of PMF and TF in Bitola. He published several university textbooks (“Quantum Mechanics”, “Statistical Physics”, etc.), the monograph “Investment of Hydden Croscing Inn Slowomitz Chollissions Involving Bare Iones” with E. A. Salavjov and collections of tasks. Published about 80 articles, most of them abroad, associated with the spread of the sound in metals and the anisotropic conductive structures, scattering and atomic conflicts, modeling of Ramannoven and infrared spectra and other topics. Bill Dean (1991-1995) on PMF. Lit.: Natural and Mathematics Faculty – Skopje 1946-1996, Skopje, 1996, p. 158; 60 years of natural and mathematical faculty – Skopje, Skopje, 2006, p. 167. V. Ur. Ivan Ivanovski
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ИВАНОВСКИ, Ѓорѓи