Ivanov, Georgi (Marko Lerinski, Geroj) (Boiler, Bulgaria, 1862 – p. He was NCO and an officer in the Bulgarian army (1883-1895), and then joined the company of Vmok in Macedonia, but he was disappointed and returned to the army. Later, at the request of Goce Delchev and Gjorce Petrov, he formed the Chief of Tmoro in Lerin. He was one of the first instructors of the revolutionary troops and along with Mr. Delchev circled Otco, Drama and Kukushko. He died in a fight with the Ottoman army. Lit: Duke Georgi Ivanov – Marco Lerinski, “Makedonija”, but 4, Sophage, 1903, 13-16; Georgi Ivanov – Duke Marko Lerinski, 14 victims 1902, SB. “Tour. Giving “, but 5, Sophage, 1902/1903, 13-15; Bulgarians-cordors of Goce. The granddaughter of Goce Delchev, Baba Lika Copova-Jurukova tells about the direct participation of many Bulgarians in the Macedonian revolutionary movement, “Goce Days – a song for Goce 1981”, ⅶ, 7, Skopje, 7. ⅱ 1981, 17; C. Logickaova, Lorin Memories and biographies of Ilindenci, AM – Regional Department-Bitola, Bitola, 1993. S. Ml. Ivanov Ivanov, Georgi Radev ‡ c. Scriptovski, Georgi.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ИВАНОВ, Георги