Istress, Markova Tower, Demirkovis

Karevena, Markova Tower, Demir Kapian – Earlyen Palace and Medieval Byzantine Fortress. The dominant rocks above the Strait of Demir Kapija in antiquity and the Middle Ages were raised in the Middle Ages. The biggest is Markov City, above the very utility of the r. Bosheva in Vardar, who turns in a sharp bow around it. The Markova Tower – Yuruk Kamen (the highest established position), 700 m north of Markov City, in the early antiquity, was raised with a square form (40 x 36 m), built by massive parallelopine stone blocks. The walls were 2.40 – 3,20 m wide. In the late antiquity, the plateau around the palace was re-fortified in long fortifikcaia, with special strengths with towers and gates (in solid minuter opus) of the north and southern head. It was also used in the middle Slavic-Byzantine period.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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