Ion, Dumitru M. (Britash, Kurtean de Arxesh, Romania, 26. IX 1947) – Romanian poet, storyteller, novelist, essayist, critic, drama author, translator, anthologist. He has translated sixty works by Macedonian literature. He is a member of MANU outside the working composition and an honorary member of the Macedonian DPM. He finished the Academy of Theater and Film in Bucharest. The owner is the bookmarket “Orient Okurent”. BIB.: Antac, poetry, Bucharest, 1966; Balkan, poetry, Bucharest, 1970; Tolerance for wonderful trips, Roman, Bucharest, 1973; Color and aroma, poetry, Bucharest, 1974; Hunting, selected songs, Bucharest, 1981; The hiding and play, Roman, Bucharest, 1985; Pharaoh, verses, Bucharest, 2000. Av-Thor is the Anthology Macedonian Lide Falanga, SK., 1991. P. Gil. Milos Jon.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЈОН, Думитру М