International Jewish Union (Allyana Israeli Universistelle) – International Jewish Education Organization. He opened a school in Skopje (1905). Teaching language was the French, in addition to the Hebrew and Turkish language. The Jewish and general history was studied, the Tanakh was interpreted, and the girls visited embroidery and sewing. The school (after 1913) visited 320 pupils and 172 students, as the first generation that studied Serbian language and Cyrillic alphabet. The covenant opened school and Stip (1910) with 87 students. The First World War stopped the activity of MES. With his activity he eradicated the illiteracy among the Jews in Macedonia, especially in female children. Lit.: Gorgi Tsolev Dimovski, Bitola Jews, Bitola, 1993; Mark Tshen, Last Ceners of Sepharditz Tsummonites. Tez Yez OP Monastir 1839-1943, Nanj Strak, 2003. J. NAM.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet