International accounting standards

International Accounting Standards (IAS) – generally accepted standards, created and published in the period 1973-2000. by the Committee on International Accounting Standards (KMS). Since 2001 The KMS is replaced by the Board of Accounting Standards, which includes the update and publishing of IAS. In the past few years, the Board, inter alia, supplemented some of the IAS, and some of them on 1. ⅳ 2002. Replace them with new international financial reporting standards (IFRS). The IAS is created in response to the needs of global capital markets, which require a joint accounting “language communication with financial information. The lack of a “common language” among the beneficiaries of the financial statements introduces a dose of suspicion in the information presented, according to the different national standards. The rapid rapid development of multinational companies over the past 35 years, after the demolition of barriers between national economies, changed the business and political climate, has increased global competition and imposed the dilemma of harmonizing the presented information in the financial statements at a global international level. Efforts for developing a common framework for global financial reporting CMS based on the need to present high quality financial information, regardless of the geographical location and the different accounting tradition of business entities. However, the provision of high quality financial information does not depend solely on the set of IAS. The high quality of the IAS used MS must be supported by an infrastructure that provides their proper interpretation and application in the accounting practice of national economies. Starting in 1998, the Republic of Macedonia is built in the Republic of Macedonia for the proper application of IAS. In November 1998 IAS have been translated and accepted by the Ministry of Finance as a substitute for national accounting standards. With the establishment of the Institute of Certified Auditors of the Republic of Macedonia in May 2006, in accordance with the Audit Law from September 2005, the Accounting Standards Commission took over the credentials for updating, publishing and proper implementation of IAS in the accounting practice of the Republic of Macedonia. Litt.: B. J., Epstain and Ali Mirza ABBAS, IAS INTERPRETITION AND ACPLETION OF INTERNATIAL ACCHONTING Standard 1998, Nile, 1998. Z. B.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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