Initiative Board for organizing a Macedonian Orthodox Church in the NOB

Initiative Board for organizing a Macedonian Orthodox Church in NOB (1943 – 1945) – Body of the Macedonian Orthodox Priesthood in NOB (1943) for resolving the Macedonian church issue. It started self-initiative to organize a Macedonian Orthodox Church – with worship in Macedonian language, with Macedonian tradition and bishops Macedonians. The first initiative group for church-administrative organization constituted the priests Kiril Stojanov, Nikola Apostolic and Methods of Gogov (later Archbishop Mi-Hail). In October 1944 In the s. Vranovci was established an initiative board composed of priests Methods Gogov, Veljo Manchevski, Pande Popovski, Pop Shako and Spiro Damevski. The Board founded Bishops and Spiritual Boards of three members in all surroundings in Macedonia (the first in Prilep and Bitola). Under the presidency of Protojuri-Stavrofor Nestor Popovski The Initiative Board organized church-spiritual life in Macedonia to solve the problems of the clergy and believers from religious, spiritual, church-judicial, educational and social character. He prepared him and convened the first church-folk Council in Skopje (5. ⅲ 1945) for organizing the Macedonian Orthodox Church. He conducted talks with Serbian Patriarci Gavrilo Didence, Voda Prodean and German and filed several resolutions on behalf of the clergy and the Orthodox people in Macedonia to create an independent Macedonian Orthodox Church. He organized the second church-based Council (1958), on which the Ohrid Archbishopric was renewed and declared the Macedonian Orthodox Church with its own head – Archbishop Dosite. Lit.: Slavko Dimevski, history of the Macedonian Orthodox Church, Skopje, 1989; Ratomir Grozdanoski, Mikhail Archbishop of Ohrid and Macedonian, Skopje, 1994; Ratomir Grozdanoski, Stefan Archbishop of Ohrid and Macedonian, Skopje, 2000; Done Ilievski, the Macedonian Orthodox priesthood in the struggle for national and church freedom, Skopje, 1987; The same, the autocephaly of the Macedonian Orthodox Church, Skopje, 1972. Rat. Gr. Minutes from the joint session of the Initiative Board and the Headquarters of Macedonia for convening ASNOM (6. ⅴ 1944)

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ИНИЦИЈАТИВЕН ОДБОР за организирање на Македонска православна црква во НОБ

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