Ingilizov, Ivan (Pehcevo, 20. 1882 – p. Cerovo, Gornodumaj, 28/29. IX 1944) – Teacher, Duke in the Ilinden Uprising. He graduated from a pedagogical school in Skopje, studied history and philosophy at universities in Sofia and Zagreb. He was a teacher in Strumica, Gorna Jumaja, Skopje and Pehcevo. In the Ilinden Uprising led the company in Strumica, Radovish and Maleshevo. After the First World War he was MP in the Bulgarian National Assembly. After September 9, 1944 He was arrested and killed together with other members of VMRO. Lit.: Boris J. Nikolov, Volorely-District Revolóchion Organization. Mains and rows (1893-1934). “Biographical-bibliographical topic,” Sofia, 2001. Z. Todd.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ИНГИЛИЗОВ, Иван