Illiteracy – one of the worst socio-political and pedagogical problems of Macedonian society. A series of historical, economic, political and social circumstances contributed illiteracy from being a constant accompanying problem of social development. Immediately after the liberation, over 60% of the population in Macedonia (over 10 years) was illiterate. The fight against illiteracy was conducted by: (1) organizing analphabetical courses; and (2) undertaking measures for which more complete scope of the education population in primary education and the prevention of students’ dropout. Only during the first 5 years after the liberation (1945-1950), more than 9,000 analphabetical courses were organized, covering about 300,000 illiterate persons. As a result of these and other activities undertaken, the percentage of illiterate was constantly declined. Statistical indicators give the following periodic image of the decline in the percentage of illiterate population: 1948 – 40.3%; 1961 – 24.5%; 1994 – 6.7%; 2004 – 3.9%. Lit.: K. Cambera, from primer to university, Skopje, 1994. K. Camb.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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