Ilich-Swicken, Vladislav Markovich

Ilich Swicken, Vladislav Markovich (1934-1966) – Slavic comparativist, founder of the nostretic theory of related theory between Indo-European, Cartvski, Semitovski, David, Herali and Altai languages ​​and created a comparative phonetics and a comparative dictionary of general roots. Having remarkable Uttet for every language phenomenon and remarkable hearing, for the first time in the USSR, he speaks of the Macedonian language, for the loss of Rainism in the southwestern Macedonian speeches (in Parity Slavenjego, Lux. 6, 1962), for some peculiarities of Mac. Aegean dialects. The covt is on the first major Macedonian-Russian vocabulary (along with D. Tolovski), which requires its short grammar of the Macedonian language. BIB.: IPENAKA AMENCENTATION IN BALTIZOMOMOM and Slavenjanm, M., 1963; Makedonically, Slovaki, M., 1963; OPTAZA CHAIZATION NISHARATICSKIKH YES T. And, M., 1971 (t. Ⅱ, according to his material, comes out in 1976). Full bibliography in “Soviet Slavanovenity”, no. 1, M., 1967. Cr. Il. Risto Ilkovski

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ИЛИЧ-СВИТИЧ, Владислав Маркович

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