Ignjatovski, Aleksandar Josifovich

Ignjatovski, Aleksandar Josifovich (Smolen area, Russia, 18. ⅲ 1875 – Skopje, 18. ⅶ 1955) – Internist, Regular Prof. of honey. f. In Skopje, founder and first director of the clinic and head of the Department of Internal Medicine. Long-time professor of internal medicine of honey. f. in Belgrade. In Skopje comes, after an invitation, in 1948. In one period he was director of the infectious clinic. His rich experience and knowledge prof. Ignjatovski conveys him to honey. f. in Skopje. His research is in the field of infectious diseases and Aleksandar Josifovich Ignjatovski immunobiology. His experimental papers for the arteriosclerosis pathogenesis relating to cholesterol (landfilling of lipoid substances). The author of the three-year edition for internal medicine – Proposutics, which is the first edition in the Republic of Macedonia from the area of ​​internal medicine. No. N. People’s game

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ИГЊАТОВСКИ, Александар Јосифович

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