IG, Clovis (CLUS Hugos) (1851- 1907) – a prominent French poet, politician and fighter. He took part in the Paris Commune (1871) and he became her member. He collaborated in democratic and socialist newspapers and magazines. In his poetry he emphasized the social injustices and the cult of freedom of nations. He is the author of several books, including: Days of Fight (1883), Adjustment (1885), Folk Songs, Roses from Lories (1903), etc. The song “For the Macedonians” (Tora Les Macodoneension) read it on a rally for Macedonia that was held at 17. ⅲ 1903. In Paris and published it in the press. D. T. Bargene Impound
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ИГ, Кловис