Hydroelectric power plants in Macedonia. The total hydropower potential in the Republic of Macedonia is estimated at 5,200 GNG, currently 27% or 1,500 GNG, with installed force 431 KPs. Annual production of hydroelectric power plants (HC): 1.170 GNG in 2000, 621.5 (2001), 755.4 (2002), 1.370 (2003) GNG. Among the 10 HC of large dams, the most important are: “Vrutok” (27% of the total production), “Spilje” (24%), “Tikves” (17%), “Globocica” (15%), Smalle Hops (11 %), “Vrben” (3%), “Raven” (3%), and the small HC (10%) produce 11%. HC have little participation in the total electricity generation (15%), but are very important for satisfying the demands of demand. L. T. Peter Hill
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ХИДРОЦЕНТРАЛИ во Македонија