Hristov, Aleksandar Stoev (village Jenovo, Blagoevgradic, 14. ⅱ 1929 – London, 20. X 2005) – Macedonian National Dean, publicist and poet. After the finished ⅵ class in the Gymnasium in Saint Dentor (Sandanski), it is recorded at the Teacher School in Skopje, but Fresco: Baptism of Christ, Neasons on the South Wall, Church “St. Nicholas “, Zrze (ⅹⅴⅰ c.) Aleksandar Stoh Hristov after the IB resolution (1948) continues education in Blagoevgrad. As a “deadlimate”, they take a soldier (“labor”) and send him to work in a uranium mine, where he manages to escape and illegally transfer to Greece (1951), and hence in Brazil and France. In Paris ends the Faculty of Journalism and Sociology (1965), and since 1968. Works in the BBC radio in London. With a group of Macedonians in Sydney (Australia) found it in. “People’s will” (1 x 1980) and becomes the first major editor. After the newspaper, it turns out to London (1981) and from April 1992. In Blagoevgrad (RB) in Bulgarian and Macedonian language, under the main editorial office of his brother, Georgi Hristov (Ps., Jan Pirinski). The Macedonian Spirit is also reflected in the five published poichoshibitions in Paris, London and Sofia (in French and Bulgarian). AM: “People’s Will”, JJVI, 11 (230), Blagoevgrad, November 2005, 1. BL. R. Aleksandar Hristov
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ХРИСТОВ, Александар Стоев