Hilmi-Pasha, Hussein (village Sarlija, O-in Mitilin, Turkey, 1859 – 1921) – a senior Turkish military-administrative Dian, diplomat and statesman. He was the main secretary of the Izmir Vilaya (1882), District Trustee (Muteusarif) in Mersin, Valia of Adana (1887) and Yemen (1898). After the Ilinden uprising for the implementation of Mirstrade reform, the Chief Inspector of Vilaets in Macedonia (1903-1908) was appointed. He then becomes interior minister (1908) and Velik Vizir (1908-1909), but conditioned by the arrest of youth leaders, resigns (3. ⅳ 1909); Ambassador to Vienna (1912-1918). Bl. R.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ХИЛМИ-ПАША, Хусеин