
Hamzali-Tree – Feldspey mine, located in the village of Hamzali, Strumica. The mine area is represented by frequent wires, lenses and irregular bodies of metashamous leucocratic co-ordinate albetic granites located in the coarse biotic granites. These ore bodies are white albite granitoids, known as the “Natrian Feldspar”. They contain about 80% albite with about 3% anortic component. In addition to these bodies of albite granites, smaller masses, which are partially researched or have not been researched. The chemical composition of the ore is: Cio about 65%, al o 18-19%, Co 2 232 0.4%, Fe of 0.1-0.2% on O 9-10%. 23 23 The ore reserves are estimated at more millions of tons. Lit.: Milorad Stojanovic, deposits of non-metallic mineral resources in Macedonia, Skopje, 2005. T. Sir.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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