Guskova, Elena Jurjevna (Moscow, 1949) – Russian historian. History studied at the Moscow State University. Head is the Center for the Study of the Contemporary Balkan Crisis at the Slavic Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. She worked as an expert for the Balkans in the United Nations Peace Force Headquarters in Zagreb (1994). Member of SANU Since 2006 It published more than 250 scientific and professional papers. For many years he investigates the Albanian issue in the Republic of Macedonia. BIB.: Makedon – Put K Self-place, Moscow, 1997 (Order.); History Yugoslavske Crisis, and, ⅱ, Belgrade, 2003. St. w.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ГУСКОВА, Елена Јурјевна