Grozdanov, Tasko

Grozdanov, Tasko (Belgrade, 24. ⅱ 1951) – Physicist, prof. Researcher (1992) on PMF in a white city. He graduated (1974) at the ETF Technical Physics Department in Belgrade. Masters Degree (1977) and Phmirst (1981) of PMF in Belgrade with topics related to clashes of particles in atomic physics. He specialized in Leningrad and Los Angeles, a guest professor at the University of Los Angeles and Paris. The results of its theoretical research on the properties of Atomic Systems published mainly in international journals. The PMF in Belgrade taught for atomic and molecular spectra and the theory of scattering. C. Ur.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ГРОЗДАНОВ, Таско

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