Grossen, Georgi D. (Prilep, 25. 1878 – Sofia, 25. ⅰ 1934) – Member of the UK of TMORO. He graduated from the Exarchatic High School in Bitola and Slavic Philology at the University of Sofia (1903). Teached in the Department of Gymnasium (1903-1907), when he became a member of the UK. Then he taught at the female gymnasium in Thessaloniki (1909-1912) and in the second female gymnasium in Sofia. Lit.: Almanac of the Zaves Vische Education in Su “cl.. Ohridski “(1888- 1974), t. 1, Sofia, 1975. Al. TR.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ГРАШЕВ, Георги Д