Greek-Serbian Union

Greek-Serbian Union (1913). During the spring of 1913 The opposites between the Balkan allied countries were tightened on the division of the occupied Macedonia. Greece and Serbia harmonize the interests and were unique in paragraph at all costs to preserve the occupied territories and provide a mutual limit in Macedonia. In Athens (22. / 5 ⅴ 1913) signed a protocol for concluding a Greek-Serbian Alliance, which determined the provisions of the Friendship Agreement and Defense Union for providing a common border and the delimitation line with Bulgaria in Macedonia. In Thessaloniki (19th ⅴ / 1. ⅵ 1913) an agreement was signed between Greece and Serbia, by which the Contracting Parties guaranteed the won territories, committed to joint defense with all existing forces and in case of war to conclude a truce only at the same time , with mutual consent. The Greek agreement committed to Serbia to provide an economic output of the Aegean Sea, to give all the necessary relief and to guarantee for a period of 50 years of full freedom for Serbian import and export trade through the Thessaloniki port and after the railways from Thessaloniki And to Bitola. The same day in Thessaloniki was a military convention on joint defense when attacking Bulgaria. The Convention defended the numerical composition of the mobile army, at the beginning of the war and the strategic layout of the units, as well as the conduct of military operations against Bulgaria under a joint military-cooperative plan made by the general staff of the two armies or their delegates. The Convention determined a prolonged line of delineation after taking over the territory of Macedonia occupied by Bulgaria. The signing of the Treaty of Union and the Military Convention were completed preparations for the inter-fighting Balkan war. Lit.: Macedonia in bilateral and multilateral agreements of the Balkan states, Skopje, 2000; Documents for the struggle of the Macedonian people for autonomy and Macedonian national state, and Skopje, 1981. M. Min.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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