Greek project (1782) – Project of Russian Empress Caterina ⅱ and the Austrian Emperor Joseph ⅱ. Katerina ⅱ sent him an Austrian sovereign project for dividing the Ottoman state (1782). The correspondence for it lasted nearly ten years. The project envisaged: from Vlach and Moldova to create an independent state of Dakia with an Orthodox ruler; By part of Serbia, Bosnia and Dalmatia to receive Austria; And Egypt to be offered to France. From the rest of the Balkans, Katerina proposed to form a Greek kingdom, headed by her grandson Constantine Pavlovich, which she was not to enter into union with Russia. Lit.: Vladimir Dedyer, Instate Sphere, Belgrade, 1980; I. S. Dostyan, Russia and Balkan lauker, Moscow, 1972. D. Job.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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