Greater Serbia (1844-1999) – Serbian project for “Greater Serbia”. The first such project, entitled “Natcher” (from Ilija Garashanan, Minister of the Interior) appeared in 1844, and the ruling circles of Serbia accepted it as a permanent determination and as the goal of Serbian state policy. Until the creation of the Balkan Union and the operationalization of the project (1861-1912), Serbia for five decades led negotiations and concluded agreements with the competing states of Greece and Bulgaria for conquest and division of Macedonia and other Balkan rulings of the Ottoman Empire. In the First Balkan War (1912) Serbia occupied the Vardar part of Macedonia. After the Second Balkan War against Bulgaria and the division of occupied territories, with the Bucharest Peace Accord (10. ⅷ 1913), Serbia committed annexar of the Vardar part of Macedonia. Before the end of the First World War, in the new international constellation, the project “Greater Serbia” was replaced by the project “Yugoslavia”, a triple state of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. With Nejan Peace Accord (1919) Serbia territorially expanded with territories that were awarded from Bulgaria and the Strumica border of “Greater Serbia” under the Memorandum of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (1986) ending Macedonia. After the capitulation of Yugoslavia (1941), the project “Greater Serbia” was reactivated in Serbia. The Chetnik Movement of Draza Mihailovic acted for the creation of “Greater Serbia”, according to a map published on from 28. ⅵ 1941, included: Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Dalmatia, the majority of Croatia, the areas of Sagedin, Baja and Penjaj from Hungary, Timisoara and Rashice from Romania, Vidin and Kyustendil from Bulgaria, Macedonia to the R. Struma (without Aegean part) and northern Albania. Immediately after the capitulation of Italy (IX 1943), the Serbian Quisling Government of General Nedic performed with a request for creating a major Serbian state. He conducted conversations with Hitler on it. Prior to the holding of the second session of Awnoy (1943), the Chetnik movement and Serbian civil political parties were united on the Program for “Greater Serbia”, confirmed at the Cravzavian Congress (25-28. Ⅰ 1944) in the village. BA, in Valevo. For Greater Serbia, as a homogeneous Serbian state, provincial arrangement predicted. The City of Skopje was planned for the seat of the province of “southern Serbia”. After the second agreement of the President of the Royal Government, Sukasic with Tito (1 XI 1944) in Belgrade for the creation of a unique government of Yugoslavia, the Royal Government remained project for “Greater Serbia”. In 1945 Only that project was modified. An alternative to the Amenoy Yugoslavia, the Plenum of the Central National Committee at its session (27. ⅲ 1945) adopted a document entitled “Yugoslav People’s People’s Editing Program as the Federal State”, with economically independent federal units, with separate armies ( Who were supposed to compile the Yugoslav Army, under the only state flag) and with different state and social arrangement. For Serbia, it was required: providing state autonomy, different (monarchist) arrangement and borders for unification of all Serbs, as their natural law and sanate aspiration. The document was intended for the Western Allied Forces from which support was expected. The project “Greater Serbia” was re-reactivated and operationalized in the last decade of the last century at the time of the breakdown of the SFRY. Realization was prevented by the military intervention of the United States and NATO forces. Exhibited agents on this idea had in the high state, political and church circles in Serbia. Lit.: Stanishi, Projects “Velikke Srbija”, Belgrade, 2000; Balkan Custom Relations 1876-1996, T. And (1876-1918); Ⅱ (1919-1945). Prirodio Momir Stojkovic, Belgrade, 1998. M. Min.
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