Gracanin, Mihoville

Gracanin, Mihoville (scanner, 1901-1983) – UNIV. Professor. In 1919 He enrolled at the Higher Agricultural School in Prague, and in 1921/22. And at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. In 1925 has been promoted for a Doctor of Natural Sciences at Charles University. After the invitation came to Skopje (1955), as a professor of physiology and ecology of plants. The Department of Biology organized a laboratory in physiology and ecology of plants. As the head of the Department organized the exchange of scientific papers with a large number of institutions in Europe and America, and a number of doctoral disserations were prepared under his leadership. He was the administrator of the Institute for Pedology until his retirement in Zagreb (1952). His scientific activity developed in two directions: physiological-ecological and pedological. Published “Pedology” in three volumes: I. “Genesis of soils”, ⅱ. “Soil physiography” and ⅲ. “Systems of Soils” (1946-1951), as well as the textbook “Introduction to the Ecology of Plant” (1977). L. Gr.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ГРАЧАНИН, Миховил

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