Gornoduman rebellious detachment

Gornojuman Inventions Squad (1923) – Armed Squad in the September uprising in the Pirin part of Macedonia. The determination (120 rebels – teachers, peasants, workers, officers, craftsmen) under the command of the gymnasium professor Alex, Velichkov, headed for action, where the rebels released gr. Mahomy and labor-rural rule was established. On the way for a breakdown, the disadvantage was attacked by the Chetnik appointed VMRO and army and police forces and inflicted great losses. Decorated, the squad arrived in a breakdown (26. IX), where he was disbanded, since the establents there were defeated and forced to surrender to the VMRO tree forces, led by Aleko Vasilevop. Lit.: Georgi V. Dimitrov, Septian Investment in Blagoevgraded Colon, Blagoevgrad, 1970. V. Nd.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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