Glavinchevski, Aleksandar (Ohrid, 22. ⅲ 1926 – Ohrid, 5. ⅷ 2005) – Bank Officer. Member of the Brodard Society “Crimper” in Ohrid. The Kayokar Championships of Yugoslavia of peaceful waters in Ohrid (1948) won first place in K1 at 10,000 m and third places of 1,000 m and team competition; High ranking achieved 500, 1,500 and 10,000 m (1949), which significantly contributed to conquering third place – team. The Championship of Yugoslavia (1949) is the fourth in the downhill of wild waters. First places won 1,000 and 10,000 m and two second in K-1 at 500 m and team (1950). He successfully performed and then, and in K-4 he won second place (1953). D. S.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ГЛАВИНЧЕВСКИ, Александар