Gimbutas, Mary

Gimbutas, Maria (Maria Gimbutas) (Vilnius, Lithuania, 23. ⅰ 1921 – Los Angeles, USA, 2. ⅱ 1994) – Prof. After archeology. PhD at the University of Tubingen (1946). In 1949 he emigrated to the United States, where until 1955 She worked at Harvard University, and in 1963 she was elected a professor of UCLA (UCLA) in Los Angeles. She was Head and Koracoter of several Neolithic research projects in the Balkans: Obligated in BiH, Photodolision and Achilesan in Greece, and in 1969/1970. Corcovics with the research of the gunpack in the village. Anzabegovo in Ovce Pole. BIB.: Neolithhitz MACODONIA AC REFBED BS Egrotion AT ANZA, SUTHASAGE SUGOSLAVIA. Monuments Arzhaeologic, 1, Los Angeles, 1976; Tez Languga of TePe Weddes, San Franciszo, 1989. V. S.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ГИМБУТАС, Марија

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