Gevgeli People’s Liberation Partisan Squad Sava Mihailov

Gevgeli People’s Liberation Partisan Squad “Sava Mihailov”. (Sq. Kozuf, the first half of May 1943 – 24. IX 1943) – Partisan unit of new and POM. Was formed by about 50 Bogdanci. After the attack on the village. Radnies (17. c) The villagers divided 2,800 kg of supported grain. In seeking with the Tikvesh NOO “good Daskalov”, he took more political and military actions in the Tikvesh (25. V- 8. ⅵ) – the villages Dragozel, Peaway, Shakov, Radnations (3., where were 3 police officers, seized 8 Rifles and other military equipment, and the municipal archive), Galiste, dren, small and large rodobil (4-10. ⅵ) In the June hostile offensive (7-19. ⅵ), divided into groups, led battles against overpowered Bulgarian forces in the villages of Dren (9. ⅵ), Nikodin (10. ⅵ) and Faris, and then on the Road City-Prilep (11 and 12. ⅵ). Numerously increased and strengthened, entered the composition of the People’s Liberation Battalion “Straso Pindzur”. Lit.: Determine “Good Daskalov” and “Sava Mihailov”, “Enlightened Woman”, May 1961, 3; Bribe Temenogov-iron, the combat path of the Gevgeli Partizan Squad “Sava Mihailov”, Gevgelija, 1968; C (Lado) Kardov, the formation of the Gevgeli Partisan Squad “Sava Mihailov” and its military-political actions from May to September 1943, “History”, ⅵ, 1, Skopje, 1970, 58-72; Vaska Duganova, the combat actions of the section “Sava Mihailov” from April 26 to 24, 1943, Gevgelija and Gevgelija in New (April 1943), Gevgelija, 1982, 373-395; The same, life and acting of the fighters from the Sava Mihailov, in the composition of the Battalion “Straso Pindzur” from 24 September to 20 December 1943, in the same place, 421-439; Vanco, Kalkev, the formation and military-political actions of the Partisan Squad “Sava Mihailov” by the end of September 1943, in the same place, 396-407. S. Ml.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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