Gerasimov, Nikola (Ohrid, 17. 1868 – Sofia, 2. ⅻ 1927) – Teacher, Petrical Duke. He finished history at the University of Sofia. Teached in Pazardzik, Gevgelija, Stip, Targovishte. He was a participant in the Gornodumah and the dismantling uprising. Since 1903 He was Secretary in Aleksandar Protujurov. He participated in the Balkan and First World War, in the composition of the Bulgarian army. Lit.: Almanac of the Zaves Vische Education in Su “cl.. Ohridski “(1888- 1974), and, Sophage, 1975. Al. TR.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ГЕРАСИМОВ, Никола