Georgieva, Magdalena Aleksandrova (Veles, 16. 1945) – Mathematician, Order. Prof. (1998) of Magdalena Georgieva PMF. She graduated (1968), became an assistant (1969), Masters (1978) and Phmirst (1992) on the PMF with the theme “For some mass service systems with an undeniably input stream.” Published papers in the field of probability and mathematical statistics. It was a valuable more mandates and Dean of the PMF (1999-2001). Lit.: PMF-Skopje 1946-2006, monograph; Bu No. 704 / ’98; Natural Sciences and Mathematics – Skopje, 1946-1996, Skopje, 1996, p. 389; 60 years of natural and mathematical faculty – Skopje, Skopje, 2006, p. 394-395. N. C.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ГЕОРГИЕВА, Магдалена Александрова