Georgiev-Tomin, Stojan (Petrich, 18. 1938) – National Dice in the Pirin part of Macedonia, the first president of OMO-Ilinden. Although absent and convicted by the Bulgarian authorities (after 1956), he continued illegal national activity. After joining the Secret Independent Macedonian Organization – Ilinden (1970) was an activist in Gootdechevo, Petrichko, District and Sandansko. After the discovery of the Organization (XI 1973), a major trial (June 1974) was convicted. After political changes and the establishment of a parliamentary system in Bulgaria (1989), he took an active part in the establishment of the United Macedonian Organizations (OMO) – Ilinden. The constituent assembly (14. 1990) was elected president. In this capacity, he was a member of the All-Macedonian delegation that took part in the Conference on the Human Dimension at the European Security and Cooperation Conference (CSBS), held in Copenhagen (10-17. Ⅵ 1990). He participated in all national manifestations of the Macedonians from and in the Pirin part of Macedonia. BIB.: Stoyan Georgiev Tomin, Macedonia over everything Bitola, 1990. V. Nd. Georgiev-Turnovski, Ma-Nush (village Turnovo, Strumica, 10. 1881 – p. Dolna Ribnica, Petrik, 7/20. Ⅱ 1908) – Teacher, Duke Duke in Petrich, deputy district Duke of Strumica Revolutionary District. He graduated in Strumica, Pedagogical School in Sir. He became illegal (1903) participant in the Strumica District Congress (1905) and the Rila Congress (1905). He died with the whole Chief (24 souls) after a fierce struggle with the Ottoman army in the village. Lower Ribnica, Petrichko. Lit.: Il. Ilinden “, ⅱ, 2 (12), Sofia, 1929. V. F.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ГЕОРГИЕВ-ТОМОВИЧИН, Стојан