Georgiev, Petre

Georgiev, Petre (v. Papradishte, Veles, 1884/5 – Skopje, Petre Georgiev 30. ⅹ 1966) – carpenter, socialist Dian and journalist. He graduated from a French trade school and as a carpenter joined the workers’ movement (1902) in Skopje. He was one of the founders of the Skopje Social Democratic Organization (1909), a librarian and secretary of the male mixed union. As a delegate from Skopje, he participated in the Socialist Conference in Thessaloniki (1910). Was editor of c. “Socialist Dawn” (1910-1912) and secretary of the district secretariat of SRPJ (K) based in Skopje (1919) and the editor of the renewed c. “Socialist Dawn” (1919). In the parliamentary elections (1920), he was elected a People’s MP on the list of CPY for Stip and Tikvesh Borough. By the end of his life he remained faithful to his communist determinations. Not.: Memories of Petre Georgiev, manuscript in Aini-Skopje; Short biography of Petre Georgiev, a resident of the City of Skopje, ul. “48”, no. 51, the same. Place: Orde Ivanoski, workers’ and trade union movement until Macedonia by 1918, documents for revolutionary and unique trade unions of Macedonia, t. And, “Communist”, Skopje, 1985, 163, 274 and 285. S. Ml.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ГЕОРГИЕВ, Петре

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