General-Naumoska, Magdalena Apostolova (Skopje 15. ⅶ 1947) – Internist cardiologist, regular prof. of honey. f. (2002). Magdalena Genteva-Naumovska graduated from medicine in Skopje (1972), specialized in internal medicine (1980), PhD in 1990. – Subspecialist per cardiology (2000). She participated in the performance of the first catheterization in the haemodynamic laboratory at the Cardiology Clinic. Manages the department of congenital and acquired heart defects and inflammatory diseases. Particular interest is for the territory of treatment patients with acquired valvular diseases. He has published over 150 papers and participated in numerous national and international professional meetings and congresses. Preva (2004-2005), Act. Dean (2004) and dean of honey. f. (2005). BIB. Consignent heart and acquired valvular flaws, in: Contemporary diagnostics and therapy in medicine, Kocani, 2000; Valvular faults and infectious endocarditis, in: internal medicine, and-ⅱ, Kumanovo, 2003; Specificity of the examination of cardiac defects, in: clinical trials in internal medicine-internal prophecaster, Skopje, 2004. Lit.: Newsletter UKIM, no. 797. K. K.-P.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЖАНТЕВА-НАУМОСКА, Магдалена Апостолова