Fuloon-Hristova, Jordanka Nikolova

Fuloon-Hristova, Jordanka Nikolova (Jordanka Fouon-Hristova) (Skopje, 14. ⅺ 1930) – Romanist, professor of Macedonian language, literature and civilization of IONCO in Paris. The gymnasium and the Faculty of Philosophy (group of Romanistics) ends in Skopje (1949-1953). He is employed as a gymnasium professor of French first in Skopje (1954), and in the next school year in Ohrid (1955/56), after which he moved to Paris. In 1960 He graduated to the Russian language group at the National Institute of Oriental Languages ​​and Civilia-Jordanka Fulloon-Christ (IONCO, Syribonne ⅲ), where next year it is conducting the exercises in Serbian-Croatian language (1961-1972), then becomes an assistant After Serbian-Croatian (1972- 1981). Since the Macedonian as object (1962) is introduced, and then a Macedonian language lecturer (1973), F. First is a lecturer (1862-1981), then assistant (1981) and finally a professor in Innzo (1988). First, it defends the doctorate from ⅲ degree in Slavic studies with the topic “Etuce Tsomparije Des Formes Tempellees Ann Machidonial ETN serbo croors” (Paris ⅷ, 1978), and then the State Doctorate in Linguistics on the topic “Les Formes Tempereles Dans Les Strathi Du Mac.Hédonen “(Paris ⅲ, 1990). It leads the subject teaching in Macedonian language, literature and civilization, as well as the lecturer, until retirement (1996). He is a member of the Scientific Council of the Universities of France and the Commission of Specialists. AV-TOR is studied by the Macedonist in the periodic editions “Zachers Balkanijes”, “Revue Des Eats Eleves Slaves”, “Zahers de L’orals” and “Macedonian language”, as well as three separate publications. BIB.: Les Modis de Narration Ann Macedonien, L’asiahlough, Langoes du Monde, Paris, 1995; Grammahere Prantije du Macéein, Langoes & Mondes, Paris, 1998; MacHeHirstonen Echends. Guide de Conversate. Les Prime Ministers Mots Utiles. Renseyigns Prantiemes. Civilisations. Noteons de Grammahire, Editions du Daupthin, Paris, 2006. BL. R.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ФУЛОН-ХРИСТОВА, Јорданка Николова

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