Fotev, Mincho (village of Rupishta, Kostur, Aegean part of Macedonia, 30. ⅸ 1922 – Skopje, 28 ⅴ 1987) – a member of the Macedonian national liberation movement, a participant in anti-fascist resistance in Greece (ELAS). He was a member of NOF leadership (from 23. ⅳ 1945), responsible for NOMS for the Aegean part of Macedonia. In 1949 He is charged by the CPG and imprisoned in Albania, and then in a camp in the USSR. Returns to NRM in 1956 Lit.: Aegean Macedonia in NOB, ⅵ, 1949, Skopje, 1983; E. Foteva-faith, to hell and back, Skopje, 2004. st. KIS.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ФОТЕВ, Минчо