Forestry Institute – one of the oldest scientific institutions in our country, formed by ASNOM (1944) on the free territory in the village. Gorno Vranovci. Akad was appointed for the first director. Eng. Hans em. First he works as an institution within the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (1944-1949), and then as an independent institution (1949-1975). The main activity of the Institute is defined in Avde, which becomes one of the most prominent champions. Player with a particular forest path of formation: “To help the permanent and permanently raising the production of the forest fund at the level set by social needs and the modern working person.” In the later acts, this definition is changed and reads: “Examination and finding solutions for the restoration of forest vegetation in the zone of strong regression, the zone of the non-defense district, river valleys and the distribution oak belt, as well as improving the composition of the economic shu- . “During 1975 The Institute is integrated with the Faculty of Forestry from Skopje. Al. And.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet