Forest legislation. On the territory of the Republic of Macedonia, the first rules for the management and use of forests were set at the time of the reign of King Dusan. With the Dusan Code (1349), bare cuttings are forbidden. In ⅹⅹ c. The Kingdom of the SCS had the instruction for the regulation of state forests (1931), and then adopted a guidance on the mark on the stems and determining income in the collected state forests (1937). In the FNRJ, Guidelines for Invitation of Forests (1946) and general guidelines for the regulation of forests (1948). In the SFRY, Decree on special conditions for the establishment of sawmills, no. 15/57, Law on Forests no. 27/68 (1968), which was soon supplemented (No. 19/70). During that period, closer forest management regulations were adopted: Rulebook on the Forest Order (No. 9/70), Rulebook on the manner of performing remittance (No. 09/70), Rulebook on the preparation of forest-economic bases and programs for Advancement of forests and recording of the performed works (No. 17/71), Rulebook on the manner of stigonation and issuance of a passage for several wood (No. 37/68). Followed by forest law (no. Forest management 1. The spatial representation and forest reserve forests Wood table Treasury Private Conifer Mixed broadleaf 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 3 33333 ha m ham ham ham ham ham 78 737 964 858 72.010. , 6 1.717.903 90.44 Protective forests 17,617 1.83 832.148 1.06 25,865 1.36 National Parks 43.589 4.723.442 6.03 166.491 8,76 Exits 1,103 0,11 62,944 0,177 0, 10 Other forests with special purpose 8.897 0,93 181.213 0,23 6,594 0.34 Total: 963.653 100 78.343.122 100 1.899.030 100 Forests according to trees forest funds forests by ownership (Sost. 31. 1993) (Sost. 31. ⅹⅰⅰ 1993) Total state private ⅴ K u 963.75 1 963.715 857.621 106.094 Clean plantations from Liseri 548.817 548.048 470.983 77.065 Clean plantations from Iglolis. 82.778 83.274 73,879 9.395 Mesothov. Archiefs from Lisiers 277.299 277.330 260.722 16.608 Mehov. plantations from both Iglol. 7.847 8.064 6.764 1,300 mixed plantations Lisiers – coniferous 47.010 46.999 45.273 1.726 The Forest Fund in the Republic of Macedonia 20/74), which was changed twice (No. 15/86 and no. 44/91). The last Law on Forests (No. 47/97) S “is still in force, and in it the forest is defined as good as a general and special interest in the Republic of Macedonia, forests are treated according to economic and special purposes, while the notion of forest management is a function The protection, cultivation and use. It arises and defines the management and management of state forests for economic purpose, for which the PE “Macedonian Forests” is indebted. Al. And.
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